WHAT QUALIFIES PEOPLE AS POLITICAL ANALYSTS!. The South African mainstream media especially the current affairs is populated with all sorts of so-called political analysts , but most if not all subscribe to similar ideological convictions namely Liberalism and Neo-Liberalism. Of course it is not coincident that all these so-called analysts are paraded in our TV screens and radios, they are a vital cog in the machinery of the neo-liberal system, it is safe to refer to them as the "buttering rams". They always sing from a similar hymn book ,their analyses are well choreographed to defend the status quo, majority of these so-called analysts are drawn from the Universities which goes some way in explaining their position and vested interests in defending the status quo. They are already part of the system and are benefiting handsomely , it is only logical that they would not want to rock the boat so to speak. Those who hold the views and positions which are diametri...