The 25th December is popularly known as Christmas Day through out the world, South Africa is no difference . What we do know is that this has not always been the case with Africa,especially South Africa. Christmas Day is a day linked to the religion of Christianity . Christianity in its current form was introduced to Africa by the Europeans (Missionaries) who came to Africa as early as 1400s,these Missionaries were accompanying or were part of the invading Europeans who came to Colonize Africa. This was part of their expansionist program or agenda in search of more land mainly for economic reasons,hence they never thought twice or hesitate to commit atrocities and genocide in their quest to conquer and disposes Africans of their land.
The Europeans had a multi-pronged strategy in their quest for conquest of the African land,this strategy consisted of Armed Confrontation,False pretense of friendship(Trade) and ofcourse the Ideological apparatus which is where we find Religion and Eurocentric Styled Education system. The Eeuropeans followed in the heals of Arabs which were the first outsiders to disturb the African Civilisation through their own attempts at Colonizing Africa(in some areas they were successful ,in some they were defeated). The Arabs just like the Europeans had a similar multi-pronged strategy which was later to be deployed by the Europeans in their own expedition. The Arabs came with their own religion which they imposed on the Africans e.g Islam. We then see a trend developing whereby the invading group always came with their own religion to impose on the Natives. This is because the Arabs an the Europeans understood the importance of the Ideological Apparatus (1. Religion 2. Education 3. Mass Media). They understood that as important as violence is but it is not sustainable in the long run.
The use of violence and war was the first phase . It meant that for the sustainability of the Colonial project it had to win acceptance among the conquered people(Natives). It should be made clear and understood that the Natives had their "Religion" which may not necessarily fit the description of the Western definition of what is a Religion. The Africans always had a relationship with the Creator(UMvelinqangi, Tlatlamatsholo,ect).
South Africa adopted a Constitution in 1996,in this Constitution we find the protection of all the people to practice their religious beliefs. I will quote Chapter 1 of The Republic of South Africa under Number 3. Citizenship .-(1) There is a common South African citizenship . (2) All citizens are - (a) equally entitled to the rights,privileges and benefits of citizenship;and (b) equally subject to the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. Allow me to further quote the Bill of Rights which is also contained in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa under the theme : 15 Freedom of Religion,belief and opinion.-(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience ,religion,thought,belief and opinion.
Having laid done some of the important facts and factors we can now jump into the question I pose in the heading. Just to give more context South Africa has more than one Religions named Christianity,Traditional African Religions,Islam,Hinduism and Judaism. I find myself compelled to ask the question is Christianity being favored by the South African State over other Religions?,it is only Christianity which is accommodated in terms of having dedicated public holidays for celebrations e.g Easter (Good Friday),Christmas Day. What about other religions,isn't this inconsistent with the Constitution,isn't this a violation of the rights of other groups who are not Christians . I should not be misunderstood for saying Christians should be denied their holidays,I am merely advocating for equal treatment as espoused by the Constitution. I am well alive to the argument that Christians are a majority,but the Constitution does not say the right should be protected or privileged based on the majority,especially on this front.
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Teboho Sekhosana
Political and Social Activist
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