Any Nation or Race which is serious about its future and prosperity pays serious attention to the education given to its children. We cannot over emphasize the fact that children are the future of any Nation or Race therefore taking care of the children is taking care of the future. Formal education(Schooling) plays a colossal role in the shaping and developing the children, therefore shaping the future that is how important education is in the development of any nation or race. I once wrote that as Black people we are the only people in the whole world who entrust other races(dare I say our race enemies) with educating our children,therefore unwittingly handing the power to our race enemies to determine what kind of a future we are to have as a race. It is a classic case of us taking our children to Caesar to educate them and then get surprised when they return as Romans. No race with any sense of pride would do such, how many Europeans(Whites) or even Asians have allowed their children to be educated by Afrikans, this is despite the education curriculum being pro-white in every sense?. This is because the Whites and Asians understand the colossal role education plays in shaping society and the future.
However, today I want to touch on another element which has prompted me to pose the question "Do Black Parents Take Their Children's Education Serious?. The way Black parents find excuses not to attend to Parents meeting convened by the schools is a course for concern. It is in these meetings where decisions affecting our children's education and future are made, and you would think that parents as people with vested interests in such matters would leave no stone unturned to attend those meetings and making voices heard. However, you'd be shocked to realize that majority of parents do not even bother to attend such meetings. They have no qualms about handing away their constitutional right to have a say on how their children's education is managed, but they will always be the first one to complain be it on the streets, social media ,taxis and churches about the decisions the schools are making. Why refuse an opportunity to have a say on how your child's future is being developed?. Is it because we see no importance being part of shaping our children's future?
Right now it is a season for the School Governing Bodies elections, these are the bodies established with an intention of giving all stakeholders a voice in how schools are managed.Some of the duties of the School Governing Bodies is to promote the best interests of the school, to adopt a mission statement with the beliefs and values of the school, to administer the school property, buildings and grounds.By the way these School Governing Bodies are not a favor to the parents or anyone, no ,they are established as per the dictates of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996. The amount of Black parents who attend these meetings convened to elect the School Governing Bodies is shockingly low. It leaves one with a question why do Black parents refuse to take responsibility for the future of their children. Even the ones convened on the weekends fail to proceed due to poor attendance , it says a lot about our priorities as Black parents. I am raising this matter out of genuine concern, not as an attempt to spark any controversy .
I do not claim to have a monopoly of all the answers or wisdom, I would love to hear what do you attribute this worrying trend to.
Teboho Sekhosana
Political and Social Activist
0844361494 /0630394468
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