<meta name="google-adsense-account" content="ca-pub-6632135369274185"> WAS PRAVIN GORDAN A HERO?<script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-6632135369274185" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> The former Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordan died on the 13th of September 2024. Pravin Gordan previously served as the South African Revenue Services commissioner , was later on appointed as the Minister of Finance by the former president Jacob Zuma in 2009, he served in that capacity until 2014. After the 2014 National and Provincial Elections President Jacob Zuma appointed Pravin Gordan as the minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs(Cogta), he was to return to the finance department in late 2015 after the former president dismissed the then finance minister Nhlanhla Nene and replaced him with Das van Rooyen which triggered a negative reac...